Outdoor Clothing for Women
No longer subjected to societal constraints, women now participate in as many outdoor and extreme sports as men do. Everything from surfing, to sailing, skateboarding, to mountain biking, mountain climbing to hiking, camping to rambling, and everything in between! Woman have the confidence, the freedom, the finance and (probably due to a combination to women having money and wanting to participate) access to suitable equipment, enabling them to participate in outdoor activities.
When you are going to participate in an outdoor activity, whether that be an extreme sport or a spot of light hiking, it is extremely important to have the correct outdoor clothing, gear and accessories. Having the correct equipment will not only improve your safety margins, but should also enable you to perform to the best of your abilities. You should ensure that at all times your clothing and equipment fit you properly and are in good working order. Women`s outdoor clothing, gear and accessories can be found from many good outlets, which specialise in outdoor equipment.
The big trusted brands, such as Helly Hansen, Volcom, The North face, and Marmot, (to mention but a few) all manufacture outdoor clothing lines for both men and women. The women`s ranges have been specifically designed, incorporating the latest design technology, to ensure that the clothing and equipment responds to a woman`s body. Base layers have been tailored to wick sweat away from areas need it, whilst the clothing remains lightweight and breathable.
When you are participating in outdoor activities you should ensure that your body is supported and insulated correctly. For example, women will need to invest in a good sports bra. Sports bras are imperative for providing support, ensuring you avoid strains (and avoid sagging). Merrell, for example, do a range of tank tops, designed specifically for outdoor activities, that have sports bras built in to them. This allows freedom of movement, provides an all important base layer, and also provides you with a comfortable fashionable item of clothing.
Base layers and underwear are an essential building block of body responsive women`s outdoor clothing. In addition to Sports Bras, women should also consider `Active Briefs`, provided by companies such as Patagonia, these briefs will wick sweat away from your body, are seamless, breathable and can help you avoid chaffing.
In addition to base layers, outdoor women`s clothing should include: a breathable all weather jacket, well fitted walking or hiking boots/shoes and obviously, specific equipment relevant to the outdoor sport that you are participating in, i.e., wetsuit, skate shoes, cycling shorts, etc.
Indeed, as well as manufacturing clothing specifically designed for outdoor activities and sports, companies such as Volcom, embrace their extreme sports ethos, and produce clothing lines that will keep you looking good, whether you are participating in a sport, or simply chilling out with your mates. This mish mash of `urban chic meets extreme sports` results in a clothing line that exudes coolness, uniqueness and street style.
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