UPDATE: The warrant was recalled after a bail bondsman put up $20,000 (a standard 10 percent of the total) to keep Lohan a free woman. Maybe the next step for Lindsay Lohan will be to actually stay away from the open-bar party scene. Two days after Lohan's SCRAM ankle braceletsuspiciously lit up Sunday while she was at an MTV Movie Awards afterparty, a judge determined that the actress was indeed in violation of her bail and issued a new bench warrant for her arrest. "I did not violate anything...at all," Lohantweeted after the news broke. Beverly Hills Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel also hiked the starlet's bail to $200,000, where it was previously $100,000 keeping her a free woman for the time being. "At this time, the court finds she was in violation of the conditions of her bail," Revel said after she, prosecutor Danette Meyers, and Lohan's attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, emerged from a private meeting in chambers. "This morning Judge Revel was advised by a SCRAM representative that Ms. Lohan's court-ordered alcohol bracelet had indicated the presence of a small amount of alcohol on Sunday night," Holley said in a statement this afternoon. "Having just received the report, I am not in a position to speak to its accuracy or validity, however Ms. Lohan maintains that she has been in complete compliance with all of the terms of her probation and her bail. Bail has again been posted in Ms. Lohan's case and she will continue to comply with all of Judge Revel's orders." A SCRAM checks for alcohol consumption every 30 minutes by testing the wearer's perspiration. And apparently the accessory is smart enough to know if the wearer is drinking or was just splashed by someone else's drink. "We could see [evidence of spilled alcohol in a report]; however, we can easily tell the difference," SCRAM spokeswoman Kathleen Brown tells E! News. "A spill or something else in the environment would create a rapid spike much faster than the body would ever consume alcohol and would evaporate and burn off much faster than the body can metabolize alcohol. "Our confirmation process includes an evaluation that ensures there is no chance that an alcohol alert is anything but consumed alcohol." Though Lohan herself didn't appear in court today, a few media helicopters actually cared enough to hover above the proceedings, and several news trucks and a scrum of photographers were stationed outside the courthouse. Lohan found herself in hot water after wandering eyes at the MTV party noticed a red light flashing in the general vicinity of her ankle, even through the black suede boots she donned for the occasion. Despite myriad protestations via Twitter that she wasn't drinking, the judge hauled her (well, her lawyer, anyway) into court after getting the initial report that something was amiss. "It's from the light-up bracelet Johnny [a pal at the party] put on me—also, they can check probation records for alcohol as i got tested YESTERDAY," she wrote less than an hour before the 3 p.m. hearing. The 23-year-old has remained a constant fixture on the party circuit despite being fitted for the SCRAM upon her return from the Cannes Film Festival last month. She's due in court July 6, when the judge will determine whether she violated her probation by skipping a court date when she was in France after having supposedly misplaced her passport. —Reporting by Lindsay MillerJudge Says Lindsay Lohan Messed Up, Issues New Arrest Warrant
David Tonnessen, PacificCoastNews.com
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