Since having a baby nine months ago, my best friend and I have grown apart. We used to be real party girls, out all the time and living life to the full. Now she's obsessed with motherhood, refuses to go on nights out, and when I do see her all she talks about is the baby. She never asks me anything about my life, and when I volunteer information about the guys I'm dating or the clubs I've been to, she sneers and asks me when I'm going to settle down. It's driving a wedge between us. Should I confront her about it and what should I say? Clarissa, 36, Cheshire

Jo says:

This sounds like Sex And The City has collided head on with The RugRats Movie! You and your friend are living in completely different worlds at the moment. You're into mojitos and Manolos, while all she can think about are breast pumps and babygros.

You have to try and see where she's coming from, Clarissa. When a woman has a baby it changes her life. She becomes obsessed, especially if it's her first child. Everything else fades into insignificance compared to her baby's every giggle and coo. There's no doubt it can be incredibly boring for everyone else, especially old friends who wonder where their fun mate went. Try not to take it personally, even if you do find it hurtful - her behaviour is quite normal for a first-time mum.

But trust me, once a party girl always a party girl (and I should know!). She'll want to go out again in a few months once the novelty has worn off a bit. Soon she'll be begging for a night on the tiles.

My advice is to accept your friend for the mother she has become. Don't confront her about her behaviour, just take an interest in the baby and try to see how her life has changed. I'm sure she'll rediscover her fun side soon and in the meantime there's no point jeopardising your friendship.


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